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Hands-on Lessons for Getting Kids to Think Globally

Original date: October 30th, 2019

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Links and resources

Description: Lisa Anderson routinely gets her primary school students to think beyond their immediate bubble through lessons and projects that highlight the full stories of how we get food and other everyday products. In this webinar, she shares her insights about how to make these explorations particularly meaningful and how to bring environmental stewardship into the formal education setting, from pre-kindergarten to grade eight.

Lisa Anderson has been an educator for eight years. She currently holds a master’s degree in Education and Biological Sciences. During her teaching career, she has used her love for the environment to inspire the younger generation to pursue sustainable choices.

Resources and Links:

  1. To watch the webinar recording please click here. You will be redirected to our YouTube channel.
  2. To see the complete chatbox please click here.
  3. Survey:
  4. Links mentioned during the webinar: 


Lisa Anderson:

Ian Shanahan:

Green Teacher:

If you have any resources that would be useful for our audience, we invite you to share it with us by email, phone or social media.

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