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Creating Community-Wide Outdoor Education Festivals

Original Date: November 7, 2018

Click here to watch the webinar

Presenter: Hartley Banack

Description: Four years ago, a small group of people came together to explore how to change attitudes and behaviours and increase the amount of time people in our city were spending outdoors for living and learning. We created an annual weeklong outdoor education festival, and a movement to increase time spent outdoors. This presentation will equip you to use similar means to accomplish the same goal in your community. Hartley will provide advice on how to get started, how to reach out to community members, how to raise funds, and finally, the lessons we have learned.

Hartley Banack, the founder and Chair of Wild About Vancouver, is a Lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, at the University of British Columbia. To learn about WAV’s 2019 festival check out or @wildaboutvancouver on Facebook. Contact him at


Resources and links: 

  1. Chatbox
  2. Outdoor Learning: Beames, S., Higgins, P. and Nicol, R.  (2012). Learning Outside the Classroom: Theory and Guidelines for Practice. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group
  3. Time spent outdoors graphs:   a) -Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan b)Wiley, et al.,1991
  4. Position Statement on Outdoor Risky Play- Participation Canada- 2015
  5. Chawla, L. (2015). Benefits of nature contact for children. Journal of Planning Literature, 30(4), 433-452. doi:10.1177/0885412215595441
  6. Sobel, D. (2012). Look, don’t touch. Orion. July/August.
  7. Pessoa, F. A (2006).  The Keeper of Sheep II. Little Larger Than the Entire Universe selected poems Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. Penguin Books: UK
  8. Hartley’s article:
  9. WAV ideas:
  10. Hartley’s email address:
  11. Facebook: @wildaboutvancouver
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