19:34:38 From Ian Shanahan to Tim Grant(Privately) : I did it correctly this time! 19:34:44 From Ian Shanahan to Tim Grant(Privately) : *the record button 19:34:47 From heather : Heather from the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park 19:34:58 From Ian Shanahan : Thanks, Heather! 19:34:59 From Tim Grant : Tim from Toronto. I love Jacob's project! 19:35:06 From mlatus@qtm.net : SW Michigan. Informal educator. Retired classroom teacher 19:35:23 From Sue Wallace : Hi from Guelph, Ontario, Canada, working in community ed with communities around the world living alongside wildlife 19:35:36 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : Jessie, Education and Communications Manager for the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council in Cranbrook, BC, Canada 19:35:39 From SofiaShanahan : Sofía from Toronto 19:35:49 From Ian Shanahan : I've done invasive species removal of Scots Pine in a rare wetland... quite close to where Jaob works, in fact. 19:36:16 From iPad : Josie from Laguna Beach, CA. I manage the volunteer stewardship program at Laguna Canyon Foundation. 19:36:26 From kathyw : Kathy Warner, Peterborough Child and Family Centres 19:37:16 From Bird Studies Canada : Hi all. Liza joining from Sackville, New Brunswick. Education Program Coordinator with Bird Studies Canada. 19:37:35 From jeannette riviere : Jeannette from White Plains , NY. I am a Home Ec teacher in CT where I teach cooking, sewing and gardening to my middle school students. 19:37:50 From Ian Shanahan : Thank you, everyone, for sharing! 19:38:12 From xfazio : Xavier from Brock University 19:38:35 From Erin : Erin from Ottawa, ON. K teacher who loves our education in the forest every Friday. 19:40:29 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : Great point about apathy! Invasive species is great for giving kids something they can actually help with! Pull weeds (and not before checking for little bugs to relocate). 19:40:41 From Ian Shanahan : Feel free to share questions as they arise. 19:42:19 From Ian Shanahan : Yes, invasive species removal has a measurable and visisble before-and-after element. 19:44:04 From Ian Shanahan : *visible 19:44:50 From pamela : Im an earth scientist and a native from Chile, the land of earthquakes and active volcanoes. We grew up learning to respect the environment given the natural cathastrophic threats, and to be more conservative or frugal with consumption. Now I live in the US, the land of abundance and sometimes disconnection with the natural world 19:45:28 From pamela : I've turned into an environmental activist 19:46:48 From Erin : The memory of Canadian Shield (that was exposed in many parts of where I grew up) is deeply engrained in my memory. 19:47:58 From Ian Shanahan : Yes, exposed Precambrian Shield has a raw and weathered character that tends to leave a strong impression. 19:49:23 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : Q: With the feeling of urgency hanging over us, I feel divided in my communication and education efforts. I want to educate for the future for all the reasons we talked about here but I also feel a sense to re-connect adults with the natural environment (as if they too perhaps are kids). Kids almost feel too easy sometimes, they’re less jaded… It does take a village, adults are part of that village. What can we do for adults? Would this project work for them too? 19:49:51 From Erin : I think that we as adults need mentoring desperately. 19:50:13 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : @erin - me too! 19:50:31 From Erin : P.I.N.E. Project in Toronto does it...but I can't find anything local. 19:50:40 From Ian Shanahan : Richard's Louv's follow-up book 'The Nature Principle' has some useful suggestions for adults. 19:52:43 From Ian Shanahan : Local nature clubs often host events like invasive species removal. Hosting free nature walks (again, often through local nature clubs) is a means of connecting with adults, too. 19:56:51 From Ian Shanahan : We'll be sending out a follow-up email with links to this document. 19:57:07 From Sanne : That’s great. Thanks a lot :-) 19:57:49 From Ian Shanahan : We'll also include in this email any resources mentioned this evening. 20:00:24 From Erin : Are the landmarks available online? or somewhere else? 20:01:17 From Ian Shanahan : I'll pose that to Jacob during the Q&A. 20:04:56 From Ian Shanahan : See it here: https://campkawartha.ca/pdf/Pathway-to-Stewardship.pdf 20:08:12 From xfazio : http://pathwayproject.ca/landmarks/ 20:08:14 From Sue Wallace : Do you have any plans to develop landmarks for adults? 20:09:31 From Erin : We have Dog Strangling Vine....just have to find the best way to remove it. Certainly not right now. The seeds fly everywhere. 20:09:41 From Sue Wallace : :) 20:10:40 From Erin : I love the idea of facilitating parent-child encounters. 20:12:33 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : Erin. I do too… shoot me an email jessie@ekisc.com - maybe we can start a project together off the sides of our desks! 20:12:34 From pamela : Connecting with a farm to help and volunteer with harvesting is a good way to engage with nature and appreciation of our food sources 20:12:43 From Tim Grant : What advice to you have for those in similar sized communities who want to replicate your model? 20:13:15 From Tim Grant : Would it be different in communities that are much less than 100,000 people? 20:13:33 From Ian Shanahan : Insect or wildflower hunts can be great ways for parents and children to bond... "Pokemon Go," nature style. 20:13:45 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : How long did the project take start to finish? Could this be implemented in a year, 2 years…? 20:14:23 From Sue Wallace : And can you review how and/or who you coordinated with 20:15:32 From mlatus@qtm.net : Have you compared your landmarks with AFWA goals for student experiences? 20:15:53 From mlatus@qtm.net : Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 20:17:04 From pamela : Build a community garden for parents and children to engage 20:17:27 From Erin : Do you think connecting with Indigenous communities is important, even critical to this work? 20:20:05 From Erin : One year we follow the birth of Barn Owls through an online cam....think it was Cornell that ran them. The kids were so excited to check in regularly. 20:20:20 From Erin : *followed 20:20:26 From pamela : Recycling and composting in school cafeterias having children take the lead as cafeteria monitors. Art teachers engaging chidren with creating art made out of recylced material. Nothing new just sharing other's experiences 20:20:55 From Sue Wallace : Q from MAC: At what age do you think it’s appropriate to start teaching climate change? 20:21:04 From Sanne van der Ros : the Beetles from California has a great website with lesson plans related to inquiry learning, developing a sense of wonder 20:23:40 From Sanne van der Ros : Tim Grant, didn't you gather lessons into a book about climate change? 20:24:21 From mlatus@qtm.net : AFWA publishes the north american conservation education strategy. www.fishwildlfe.org 20:25:27 From Marcia : On the recycling topic, we organize an annual recycled art show called Waste Me Not. It's always around a theme to inspire participants to think about an issue and actions that they can take to make things better. This year our theme is Speaking for our Waters due to many problems we have been facing in our oceans and IRL (Indian River Lagoon). 20:26:22 From mlatus@qtm.net : The North American Association for Environmental Education publishes Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education. www.naaee.org 20:27:56 From Sanne van der Ros : The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network CBEEN has great resources on its website, too. :-) 20:28:10 From Sue Wallace : yes please! 20:28:11 From pamela : Give kids more free time to explore. give them a problem solve and let them figure it out in teams. In wilderness for example, build a weather shelt with the branches you see around 20:28:14 From Erin : that would be a wonderful resource 20:28:21 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : Yes! Sanne! <# 20:28:23 From mlatus@qtm.net : website for columbia basin?? 20:28:23 From East Kootenay Invasive Species Council : <3 20:29:03 From Ian Shanahan : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8F63T6L 20:29:07 From mlatus@qtm.net : Inspiring talk Jacob. Thank you for sharing ideas and attitudes. 20:29:10 From Sanne van der Ros : CBEEN. CA 20:29:17 From Marcia : PLT.org and ProjectWild.org 20:29:28 From Tim Grant : And those that fill out the survey will be eligible to win one of two free subscriptions to Green Teacher. 20:29:50 From Bird Studies Canada : Thanks Jacob, and Green Teacher for sharing this inspiring work! 20:29:55 From xfazio : Thanks Jacob...you're awesome 20:29:55 From Sanne van der Ros : Thanks for your time and for inspiring us to develop a Pathways project in our communities across the country! 20:30:01 From Jen : Thanks! 20:30:08 From Katy Gorsuch : Thank you! 20:30:39 From heather : Thank you 20:30:44 From Marcia : Awesome! Thank you! 20:30:57 From pamela : thank you for sharing your experience! 20:31:07 From sharibitsis : Thank you very much. Excellent 20:31:17 From Sue Wallace : thank you so much Jacob, Ian and Green T!