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Outdoor Teaching Mistakes

brad daniel

Original date: December 7, 2011

Click here to access this webinar

Presenter: Dr. Brad Daniel

Description: This webinar will present part one of what is usually a two-part series illustrating a dialectical approach for training outdoor teachers. It should be noted that this training was designed for novice teachers. While experienced teachers will be familiar with many of these mistakes and suggestions, it can still be valuable to review them. I usually do this training in two 2-hour blocks. Part one includes a skit/video illustrating a variety of common mistakes made by outdoor teachers along with solutions to each mistake. Part two (not included in this webinar) continues this discussion by illustrating a lesson taught in the outdoors by an instructor that tries to eliminate these mistakes.

Suitability:  All formal and non-formal youth educators

Brad Daniel is Professor of Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies at Montreat College where he currently serves as Co-chair of the Outdoor Education Department. Brad is a North Carolina state-certified environmental educator and co-authored one of the two required course modules for the North Carolina Environmental Education certification program. He has been the recipient of several awards for teaching excellence and was recently honored as “Professor of the Decade 2001-2010” at Montreat College. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, backpacking, and photography.

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