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Energy Education: How & Why?


Original date: February 24, 2011

Click here to access this webinar

Presenter: Pat Higby

Description: At the outset, Pat will explain why energy education is especially important at this moment in history. Then she will share some simple experiments that you can use to convince others of its importance, before directing us to some of the best energy education resources for youth educators. Note: Pat strongly encourages all participants to have on hand – at the beginning of the webinar – 2 styrofoam coffee cups, 2 zip lock bags large enough to place a full cup inside, and at least a cup each of very hot and lukewarm water.

Age appropriateness: 
Grades 2-12

Pat Higby began her career as a science/math/physics teacher then discovered that non-formal education in science museums is more challenging because your audience can leave if your presentations are boring! She has taught for the physics and science education departments at the University of Northern Iowa and has been an energy educator at the UNI Center for Energy & Environmental Education for ten years. She serves on the Iowa Power Fund Board, an organization responsible for distributing $100 million over a four year period to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy businesses, research, and implementation in Iowa. She currently chairs the Green Schools Committee of the Iowa chapter of the US Green Building Council.

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