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Posts from the ‘Activities’ Category

Exploring Alternate Futures

Activities for middle school students which enable them to critically and creatively explore potential and preferred versions of the future

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Exploring Alternate Futures

Activities for middle school students which enable them to critically and creatively explore potential and preferred versions of the future.

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Evaluating & Promoting Eco-Products

Activities for middle school students which promote student and community awareness about the ethics of consumer products

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Unleashing Blessed Unrest As the Heating Happens (Activities)

Originally appears in the Fall 2011 issue

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Defending Place-based Education

Studies that demonstrate that outdoor place-based education improves student achievement.

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No Accident: Successful Field Trips

Tips for non-formal and formal youth educators on how to connect with children ages 9-14 and keep them focused during outdoor field trips.

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Unleashing Blessed Unrest As the Heating Happens

How learning spaces can help to avoid the worst scenarios now before us for the heating of the planet, followed by four learning activities

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Growing an Endangered Plants Network

In communities across North America, threats to plants are at record levels. The Endangered Plants Stewardship Network, initiated by educators from botanical museums, government agencies and environmental groups, is engaging teachers and students in learning about and helping to restore populations of rare and endangered plants in the southeastern U.S.

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A Recipe for Outdoor Classroom Management

A three-step process for preparing yourself and your students for the joys and challenges of learning outdoors.

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Growing a Just Society: Linking Trade, Human Rights and the Environment

This series of activities and games helps student understand that a healthy environment is a human right, and how global trade and consumer choices affect those rights.

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