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Posts from the ‘All ages’ Category

Best Practices for School Gardens

Giving you the tools to overcome the challenges and be successful

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Uncaging Imagination with Guerilla Geography

An innovative way to creatively transform learners of all ages into curious explorers

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Citizen Science: Collecting Real-Life Data

Tips for conducting citizen science projects with K-12 students

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Speaking for Native Bees

While much has been written about the plight of honey bees, let’s focus on how we can assist our 4000 native bee species

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Imaginative Ecological Education

Teaching that interweaves curricular topics, human emotions, our bodies & place

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Put Up a Paradise

It is not as hard as it looks. Isn’t it time to depave schoolyards and begin collecting stormwater?

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Love Our Coral Reefs

Teaching 6-14 year-olds about environmental stewardship and coral reefs using modeling materials found in most cupboards

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A Lean Green Sun Harvesting Machine

Making solar energy teaching more fun by using invisible forces to power race cars

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Exploring by the Seat of Our Pants

Using technology to connect with scientists all over the world

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Celebrating World Oceans Day

How to show kids the connections to oceans that are right in their own backyards

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