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Posts from the ‘All ages’ Category

From Restoration to Resilience

In this excerpt from the new book Ecoliterate, children and teachers in California work together to restore local ecosystems and help endangered species.

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Good Design Matters

Growth is inevitable, but the destruction of community character and natural resources that too often accompanies it is not.

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Nature Mapping

Schoolyard nature mapping teaches basic mapping techniques and encourages close observation of plants and animals through the seasons.

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Urban Gardening Renaissance

Urban school gardens reach out to their communities and complement "green school" philosophy.

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Fashioning Flora to Fiber

In this unit, students learn about the importance of traditional technologies through basic mat-weaving techniques and loom construction.

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Human by Nature: Reclaiming our Natural Human Heritage

Three hands-on activity plans to educate elementary students about traditional technologies and skills.

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From Scared to Sacred: Changing our Relationship to Nature through Story

An examination of how the objectification of nature in Western storytelling can promote negative attitudes towards nature, and how Native people’s stories can provide a counterbalance

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Two-Eyed Seeing: A Cross-cultural Science Journey

An introduction to Integrative Science— science that integrates the best of Western and Indigenous sciences and helps young people appreciate the strengths of each.

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Sustainable Futures: An Interdisciplinary Unit at the Australian Science and Maths School

Students at a specialized senior science and math high school in Australia enjoy an interdisciplinary curriculum, within a new building where more than half of the floor spaces is comprised of open-concept Learning Commons. The authors describe in detail the sustainable gardens project that asks students to consider local conditions in choosing their design and which flora and fauna to include. Includes a rubric which can be applied to similar projects elsewhere.

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Brain-compatible learning

Neuroscientists are mapping the pathways between body and brain, providing tangible evidence of the benefits of hands-on, experiential learning.

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