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Posts from the ‘All ages’ Category

Birdathons: Counting for conservation

By organizing a bird count as a class or club project, you will not only raise students' awareness of migratory bird conservation but may also be able to raise money for school environmental projects.

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Remystifying the city

Reawakening the sense of wonder in our own backyards

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The Mathematics of Trash

Multiplication and graphing exercises for upper elementary students which demonstrate the magnitude of waste produced by modern society.

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Localism as a Guiding Framework for Schools

Placing more focus on local issues in educational programs can serve to deepen students’ understanding of global issues, and increase caring and enthusiasm for learning.

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Growing Behavior Change

Strategies for making positive changes in students’ behaviors and attitudes towards the environment, whether students are taught on a short- or long-term basis. (For all ages)

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Tales from the Trail

Writing about a personal outdoor adventure for an eco-tourism web site can promote both ecological awareness and language skills for students aged 14 and up.

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Biosphere Education

Programs that encourage young people to become empathetic are an important complement to those that help make ecological connections.

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Climate Change Education in Worcestershire Schools

Schools in Worcestershire county, England have been some of the most successful in the world in integrating climate change education into their curriculum. They used a Learning for Sustainability framework, which emphasizes a combination of outdoor learning, critical thinking, and creative responses.

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Green Schools Programs

An overview of the green schools movement in North America and worldwide, including examples of successful green schools programs and their environmental and academic benefits. Includes recommendations for schools interested in implementing such programs.

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Transformation is in Our Hands

A creative process for deepening teachers’ and students’ connection to nature through drawing, painting, and dialogue, called “Creative Nature Connection”. This process emphasizes the importance of observing both nature outside of ourselves and our inner feelings in creating nature artwork.

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