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Posts from the ‘Animals’ Category

Conservation Animation

Creating animated videos with high school students to encourage local conservation

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Snakes Alive!

Run…but where…from snakes or to snakes?

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An Intergenerational Care Game

Youngsters re-enact some of life’s essential dramas in a game that builds both knowledge and empathy

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Role-Playing, Inquiry and Food Chains

Integrating drama to encourage elementary students’ engagement in environmental science

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A Humane-Inspired Approach

Combine humane education and environmental education to encourage students to take action and make real-world connections

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The Bison Range Project

Finding the hidden stories in the places we live

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Uncaging Imagination with Guerilla Geography

An innovative way to creatively transform learners of all ages into curious explorers

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Citizen Science: Collecting Real-Life Data

Tips for conducting citizen science projects with K-12 students

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Learning to be Gentle Giants

Inspiring nature-focussed values and habits in young children

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Teaching Empathy Through Animals

Pets in preschool classrooms allow students to establish an emotional connection while also learning about responsibility

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