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Posts from the ‘Elementary (ages 5-12)’ Category

The Pathway to Stewardship

How to develop a community-wide strategy to nurture environmental stewardship in children and teens

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Invasive Species: You’re Not Welcome Here!

Guide your third through fifth grade students through interactive activities about invasive species

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Finding a Place for Science

Letting place guide standards-based curriculum development for grades three and four

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Riding the Waves of EBE

Integrated environment-based education offers young students lessons in literacy, social studies, and science

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An Intergenerational Care Game

Youngsters re-enact some of life’s essential dramas in a game that builds both knowledge and empathy

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Role-Playing, Inquiry and Food Chains

Integrating drama to encourage elementary students’ engagement in environmental science

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Rolling Stones & Catching Beetles

Adventures in an urban forest aftercare program

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Exploring Learning Stories

Documenting and learning in the environment invites us to reflect on stewardship and global citizenship with our students

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Sensory Tours by Kids

Using wearable cameras to view the environment through the eyes of a child

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Falling Arthropods and Citizen Science

From climate change to natural disasters: how tiny critters invoke joy and reveal environmental secrets

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