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Posts from the ‘Elementary (ages 5-12)’ Category

Teaching Empathy Through Animals

Pets in preschool classrooms allow students to establish an emotional connection while also learning about responsibility

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Take the Green Challenge

Green Challenges provide easy access points for incorporating environmental themes into school culture, and help green schools get back to the basics

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Stories in the Data

What can elementary and middle school children learn about the world around them by looking at the numbers?

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Bee Curious

Getting young children buzzing about pollinators during outdoor play

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Pets and Pedagogy

How a classroom pet can help build community while also providing a curriculum boost

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A Reflection on Forest Experiences

Thoughts on the internal ‘tensions’ of early childhood educators in outdoor environments

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Planet Protecting Superheroes

Using story and arts-based activities to engage diverse learners in environmental education

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From Liquid to Solid and Back Again

Making ice lanterns to decorate and demonstrate states of matter

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Five Tools for Classrooms Without Walls

The top five tools, and matching activities for taking elementary student learning outside – developed by REAL School Gardens

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Science in Season

Starting from what they know, k-8 students can become classroom phenologists with these observational activities.

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