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Posts from the ‘Middle School (ages 11-14)’ Category

Student “Experts” in Community Character

An interdisciplinary unit for middle school grades.

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Do You See What I See?

An activity to help students understand visual pollution and begin to recognize it in their environment.

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The Carbon Dioxide Game

A fun, active outdoor game for helping students visualize how human activities enhance the natural greenhouse effect.

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Game: Blowing up your world

An intermediate activity focusing on individual responsibility for saving the planet.

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Teaching Sustainability with Two Buckets

Constructing, and experimenting with, self-watering container-based food gardens can serve as a springboard for introducing concepts of sustainability, permaculture, and systems thinking to grades 5 and up.

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Inspiring Eco-Clubs in South India

A description of how an organic farming program at impoverished schools in south India has improved health, and increased environmental awareness and self esteem amongst students, teachers, and communities.

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Fear and Facing the Future

Dr. Kool examines which philosophical outlooks towards the future we should encourage in our youth if they are to overcome fear and fight for a better future.

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Sustainable Design for a Bountiful Future

Creative and critical-thinking activities for engaging teenagers in "humanity’s 21st century group project"—sustainable design. Students learn about sustainability in the production and consumption of material goods, and apply their knowledge to design sustainable products.

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An Inquiry Lesson in Resource Conservation

An interactive learning activity for grades K-4 and adaptable for higher grades, which helps students grasp the interrelated concepts of resources, depletion of nonrenewable resources, and resource conservation.

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Local Lore

Creating a museum-style exhibit which displays local historical stories can provide upper elementary or middle school students with a deep-seated sense of place and foster motivation to learn about history and social science topics.

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