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Posts from the ‘Middle School (ages 11-14)’ Category

Putting Marine Science on the Map

Using Google Maps to help students connect to waters near and far

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The Ocean – Live! Anywhere! Anytime!

Real-time data offer meaningful ways for middle-school students to develop science and math skills

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Healthy Bodies, Healthy Oceans

A strategy for promoting ocean literacy for ages 12-16 by emphasizing the connections between personal and pelagic health

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Beyond our Beaches: Ocean Trash

What research about long-term plastic marine debris is telling us, and how young people can respond

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Mapping to Increase Student Awareness of Local Wildlife

Two simple activities that help middle school students increase their sense of connection with their natural surroundings.

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Star Power

A reading and 2 activities for 8-13 year olds that focus on harnessing the Sun’s energy

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Endangered Animals and Science Literacy

Fostering concern for endangered species among students aged 8-14 with a series of lessons that connect language arts and science.

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Discovering Native Bees

The importance of teaching about native pollinators to those ages 9 and up, coupled with a number of learning activities.

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Connecting Art and Science

Using clay, creativity and colours to teach environmental science concepts such as biodiversity and evolutionary adaptations to 10-18 year olds.

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Rewriting Our World

A grade 6 class examines the barriers to sustainability underpinned by the Western cultural narrative, and ‘rewrites’ history to overcome these barriers.

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