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Posts from the ‘Middle School (ages 11-14)’ Category

The Future of Evolution

A lesson that puts the topic of evolution into the hands of your fourth through eighth grade students

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The Pathway to Stewardship

How to develop a community-wide strategy to nurture environmental stewardship in children and teens

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Students Take Action Against Invasive Species

Using hands-on exploration and media as an educational tool in schools

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Green Commuting Challenge

How a suburban middle school radically increased the number of students walking and reduced car traffic to the school

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An Intergenerational Care Game

Youngsters re-enact some of life’s essential dramas in a game that builds both knowledge and empathy

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A Humane-Inspired Approach

Combine humane education and environmental education to encourage students to take action and make real-world connections

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Green Building: Tools for the Future

What you need to plan for if tackling a building project with teens

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Stewardship in Appalachia

Learning about water quality issues with an action-oriented, place-based pedagogy

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Igniting Curiosity With Pocket Museums

A great way to collect and save special treasures that capture the attention of inquiring minds

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The Bison Range Project

Finding the hidden stories in the places we live

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