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The Joy of Garden-based Education

Originally aired: April 8th, 2020
Presenter: Cathy Law

Description: Kids are just happier when they are outside learning. Using mother nature as a laboratory setting is an incredible way to engage students in first-hand study of the principles of ecology, geology, and climate change. You will learn the fascinating science behind the social, psychological and physiological benefits of using gardens to teach. Besides, donning a big grin, students learn scientific concepts more effectively when performing hands-on investigations outside so their grades soar. Outdoor based education is a sure way to nurture global citizens for the stewardship of our planet. You can’t go green without going teen!

Cathy Law teaches Biology, Earth Science, and Field Biology at New Paltz High School in New Paltz, New York. She and her students started the Courtyard Gardens twelve years ago; it features over 200 different kinds of plants in 15 themed garden zones. The mission of the garden is to create an outdoor learning center dedicated to understanding and improving the environment and to enable learning that is problem-based and interdisciplinary.

Changing the Face of Science

Shattering Stereotypes and Inspiring the Next Generation of STEM

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Next Generation Biospheres

Classroom investigations into climate change

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Green Teacher Books

Available in both e-book and paperback formats. Bulk prices are available. Click here.

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Flight School

Students creating a safe space for feathered friends

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Animal Adaptations and Climate Change

A lesson plan for high school teachers

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Essentials for Teaching Climate Change

Cutting through the clutter and keeping up-to-date

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Escape the Mundane

Creating a digital escape room to engage students

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Hands-on Lessons for Getting Kids to Think Globally

Original date: October 30th, 2019

Description: Lisa Anderson routinely gets her primary school students to think beyond their immediate bubble through lessons and projects that highlight the full stories of how we get food and other everyday products. In this webinar, she shares her insights about how to make these explorations particularly meaningful and how to bring environmental stewardship into the formal education setting, from pre-kindergarten to grade eight.

Lisa Anderson has been an educator for eight years. She currently holds a master’s degree in Education and Biological Sciences. During her teaching career, she has used her love for the environment to inspire the younger generation to pursue sustainable choices.

Stereotype and Bias in Education

Formulating strategies to reduce impacts on learners

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