STEM Learning in Your Own Backyard
Designing a place-based middle school summer program
An elementary school’s journey in using bottle caps to beautify the school, save a small piece of the planet, and increase knowledge of sustainability
Teaching that interweaves curricular topics, human emotions, our bodies & place
Put to work the basic astronomy knowledge of 10-14 year olds in teaching passive solar house design
A student-centered approach to reducing the urban heat island effect on campus
It is not as hard as it looks. Isn’t it time to depave schoolyards and begin collecting stormwater?
Pets in preschool classrooms allow students to establish an emotional connection while also learning about responsibility
Green Challenges provide easy access points for incorporating environmental themes into school culture, and help green schools get back to the basics
Teaching 6-14 year-olds about environmental stewardship and coral reefs using modeling materials found in most cupboards
Deepening the connection to place through reading, writing and ecology
Linen Theme by The Theme Foundry
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