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Posts from the ‘Article Categories’ Category

Educating Earth–Connected Kids

Stewards of the future

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Is Leaf Litter Just “Yard Waste”?

A field ecology investigation of the relationship between habitat abundance and biodiversity

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Green Teacher 137, Fall 2023 Issue

Our newest magazine issue is live now!

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Bees and Pollinators Learning Package

Fill out this short feedback survey for a chance to win book prizes from Pollination Press!

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GT135 – Spring 2023

Lesson supplements

GT134 – Winter 2023

Lesson supplements


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Check out our special podcast episode on The Energy Transition!

Episode 62: Energy transition narratives: good-faith, bad-faith, and keeping the faith

With Max Fawcett of Canada’s National Observer

What sorts of narratives about the energy transition are out there? Which ones are developed in good faith and which ones are developed in bad faith? Why is it important that we find the right balance between optimism and urgency? How can we have effective conversations with people who are resistant to the energy transition? Journalist Max Fawcett has long been on the energy beat, and he shares his insights on which narratives to embrace and which ones to avoid.


Max Fawcett is the lead columnist for Canada’s National Observer and the former editor of Alberta Oil magazine and Vancouver magazine. He worked in Alberta’s Climate Change Office from 2017–19, and lives in Calgary today with his wife and son.

*Episode edited by M. Angel Goñi Avila

*Episode recorded in October 2023

*Episode produced with support from the Ivey Foundation

Green Teacher 136 — Summer 2023

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A Better Sense of Nature…

Revisiting the value of multisensorial outdoor learning

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Not Just for Kids

A Walking Curriculum for Teacher Professional Learning

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A Close Look at Land Based Learning

An examination of we approach the LBL curriculum

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All Aboard the Electric School Bus!

A climate change education resource in your school parking lot

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