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Posts from the ‘Article Categories’ Category

Step Outside For Learning

A description of how an elementary school made student-led outdoor learning part of their everyday curriculum, and how this has benefited student learning, collaboration between staff and students in different grades, overall morale in the school, and community collaborations.

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Climate Change Treasure Hunt

An engaging, awareness-raising activity for grades 4-10 in which students learn about the positive and negative impacts on climate change of various things and places on school campuses and at nature centres and other sites. Young people are given the opportunity to think of ways of using or doing these things differently to reduce their environmental impact.

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Creating Poetry with an Environmental Theme

A class activity for grades 4-6 in which students learn about basic elements of poetry, such as rhyme and meter. After reading several poems, the class creates an environmental poem by having each student write a line of the poem anonymously. Doing so allows students to overcome apprehension of peer judgment of their work.

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Going Out

Incorporating simple nature walks into elementary class schedules can provide a number of benefits for children, including increased interest in learning and attention span. The author draws inspiration from Montessori principles and offers practical tips for successfully introducing such walks into the curriculum.

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Exploring Alternate Futures

Activities for middle school students which enable them to critically and creatively explore potential and preferred versions of the future

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Exploring Alternate Futures

Activities for middle school students which enable them to critically and creatively explore potential and preferred versions of the future.

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The Learning Barge

How this unique and innovative project in Virginia is teaching students about river ecology and inspiring them to clean up their river.

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Evaluating & Promoting Eco-Products

Activities for middle school students which promote student and community awareness about the ethics of consumer products

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Parties, Praise, and Plastic Bottles

Three projects to help elementary schools up their green factor – creating a reusable classroom party box, celebrating environmental ‘idols’ in the school and community, and setting environmental world records.

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Unleashing Blessed Unrest As the Heating Happens (Activities)

Originally appears in the Fall 2011 issue

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