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Posts from the ‘Article Categories’ Category

Defending Place-based Education

Studies that demonstrate that outdoor place-based education improves student achievement.

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To Monitor or Not to Monitor

Creating a citizen science team to collect baseline data on a local watershed.

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Poetry Power: Using Poems in Environmental Education

Writing poems about environmental themes immerses students in a creative process that engages both our intellect and our emotions, thus strengthening learning and deepening commitment to learn. This article provides guidelines for students writing environmental poems, including where to find example poems for inspiration (examples are provided), and tips for publishing students’ poems.

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Analyzing Wildlife Habitat with Google Earth

Three classroom lessons for Grades 5-6 that use this free and readily available remote-sensing software can help students learn to recognize the characteristics of good wildlife habitat, monitor changes in land use over time and develop a big-picture understanding of the need for effective conservation strategies.

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Last Child in the Woods, First Book in the Field

A critical appraisal of the enormous impact of Richard Louv’s 2005 book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.

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Using Folklore to Promote Ocean Literacy

Four activities that connect ancient legends to Ocean Literacy principles for those 11-14 years of age

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Watershed Stewardship through Hands-on Exploration

An engaging inquiry-based learning activity for 9 to 11 year olds – students build a model of a watershed and examine the effects of pollution

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Monitoring Coral Reefs using Quadrats

A lesson for 9 to 11 year olds that compares species abundance and distribution on pristine and degraded reefs

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Invisible World: Exploring Microscopic Life in the Ocean

Activities that help 13-18 year olds appreciate the essential roles that tiny species play in marine ecosystems

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Seaquaria in Schools

Seventy gallon coldwater aquaria bring oceans of learning opportunities into schools

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