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Posts from the ‘News’ Category

Schoolyard Garden Insights, Part 1

Outdoor lessons and digital engagement

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Supporting Distance Learning by Connecting Children to Nature

A call for collaboration

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Developing a Relationship with the Environment — for the Health of It

Noticing, naming, and nudging at perceived barriers to outdoor learning

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Getting Students Outside with Local Species

Spending time in nature to understand biodiversity

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Green Teacher 125 — Fall 2020

Please subscribe to gain complete access to our resources. 

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Ten Strategies for Strengthening Outdoor Learning at Your School

An iterative sequence for multiple age groups

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Creating Green Partnerships to Promote Environmental Education

Connecting to the community to promote Pre-K–4 preservice teachers’ preparedness and confidence in environmental education

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Nature-Based Biology Activities from a Distance 

Presenter: Cathy Law
For the recording of this webinar and a list of resources mentioned during the webinar session, please click here.

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Creative Solutions in Our Time of Crisis – Open Discussion

Presenters: Dave Bauer, Jared Goodykoontz and Shakira Provasoli
Please subscribe to get access to the recording and resources mentioned in this webinar. 

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Green Teacher 124 — Summer 2020

Including two free articles: Outdoor Virtual Classroom Choice Boards by Jennifer Baron AND Growing Environmental Hope Amid a Pandemic by Helen Corveleyn, Lauren Madden, and Louise Ammentorp

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