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Posts from the ‘News’ Category

Doing Business in Birmingham

This award-winning project leverages technology to help students understand and promote sustainability within the local business community.

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Training the Next Generation of Leaders

The Young Adults Environmental Leadership Program provides youth aged 12 to 18 with training, expertise and guidance in developing and implementing community environmental projects

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Coconutty Classes

A profile of a 3 week thematic unit for grades 6-8 that focuses on a tropical fruit that masquerades as a nut.

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Green Teacher, Spring 2013

Issue 99, featuring:
Hemlock Holmes: Tree Detective
Training Teen Leaders
Environmental Role-Play for Kids
A Peek at the Greenest School on the Planet
Native Science Activities

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School Food Gardens in Multicultural Inner-city Settings

A model for maintaining gardening programs year round through school-community partnerships.

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Growing an Endangered Plants Network

In communities across North America, threats to plants are at record levels. The Endangered Plants Stewardship Network, initiated by educators from botanical museums, government agencies and environmental groups, is engaging teachers and students in learning about and helping to restore populations of rare and endangered plants in the southeastern U.S.

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Salad Farmers

A first-grade class in New York City tries to grow their own food as part of an integrated unit that combined science, social studies and literacy.

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Singapore Sensory Trail

In this inter-cultural and inter-generational community project, expatriate students designed an interpretive trail to provide access to nature for visually impaired citizens of Singapore.

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Moving Toward Sustainability? The Face of Environmental Education in Singapore

The challenges of educating for sustainability in one of the world’s most highly urbanized settings.

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Teaching Carbon Regulation in the High School Classroom

A simulation that compares carbon taxes vs. cap-and-trade and other carbon regulatory systems.

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