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Blowing Up Your World

A middle school activity focusing on individual responsibility for the environment

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Climate Change Summits for Teens

Increase global awareness by hosting a climate and environmental change summit with teenagers

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Invasive Species Dodge Ball

Using a rapid fire game to demonstrate that it only takes a couple of invasive species to make a lasting impact on an ecosystem

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A Working Model of a Stream

This simple, easy-to-create model helps children understand stream dynamics and the impact of human activities on water quality

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Teaching Controversial Issues

A four-step strategy for clear thinking on controversial issues at the high school level

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The Carbon Dioxide Game

A fun, active outdoor game for helping students visualize how human activities enhance the greenhouse effect

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Integrating indigenous perspectives into elementary teaching

Enriching the curriculum to fight climate change

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Cheetahs and Gazelles

Population dynamics under anthropogenic influence

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Green Teacher 138, Winter 2024 Issue

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130 Webinars

Subscribe to Green Teacher to gain full access to over 130 webinars. We’ve cataloged them into 13 topic categories, making it easy to find what you are looking for.

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