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Green Teacher Books

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Using Geocaching and Orienteering as Engaging Learning Tools

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Green Teacher 121 — Fall 2019

Greening Your Schoolyard with Native Plants, A Q.U.E.S.T. for Earthworms, Animal Adaptations and Climate Change, Escape the Mundane, Essentials for Teaching Climate Change, Pollinating Hope, Flight School, Project Hero and Expanding the Toolkit.

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Expanding the Toolkit

Using marine protected areas to teach a socio-ecological approach to conservation

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Project Hero

Activating empathy for the planet

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Flight School

Students creating a safe space for feathered friends

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Pollinating Hope

Using a pollinator garden to galvanize an environmental club

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Animal Adaptations and Climate Change

A lesson plan for high school teachers

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A Q.U.E.S.T. for Earthworms

Using excitement, observations, and inquiries to drive student-led outdoor science investigations

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Greening Your Schoolyard with Native Plants

How to maximize your school garden and minimize excess labour

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