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Sun Block

In this active game, students emulate the transfer of food energy in a lake habitat in order to compare a healthy habitat and one disrupted by an invasive plant species.
Adapted with permission from "Making Waves! Protecting Ontario's Aquatic Habitats from Invading Species"

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Something’s Choking Auntie Elm

In this activity, students learn about several exotic species in North America and gather information to determine their impact on the environment.
Adapted with permission from "Noxious Neighbours: Exotics in Our Backyard", Centre for Environmental Education, Middle Tennessee State University

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A Date with Freddie Kudza

In this highly interactive physical activity, students learn about the characteristics of invasive exotic pest plants by becoming exotic pests themselves!

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Exotic Invasive Species: The Guests That Won’t Go Home

In the continental United States, approximately 6-8 percent of species are introduced exotics. Many are not harmful, but those that are pose a serious threat to biodiversity on this continent.

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Growing Art in School Gardens

Art educator Hilary Inwood takes a fresh look at the garden as an inspiring image bank, an art supply cupboard and an exhibition space for students' art.

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Discovering Lake Management: Getting Students’ Feet Wet

Teaching about lake management is an exciting way of getting students interested in the environment. In this unit, hands-on investigations of habitat resources, water quality and algae enable students to assess the health of a local lake and debate the options for its long-term management.

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Social Justice and Language Arts

Whether the genre is poetry, fiction or expository writing, the language arts curriculum offers unlimited opportunities for teachers and students to make connections with current social and global issues.

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Getting Fresh with Farm-to-School Programs

By making direct connections between growers and schools, farm-to-school programs provide local markets for family farmers and healthier food choices for schoolchildren.

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Making It Up As We Go Along

Tricia Edgar examines the role of pretend games in environmental education and provides great examples of activities to help young children explore circles of life, survival tactics, and what it feels like to be an animal or plant.

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Last Child in the Woods? Treating Nature-Deficit Disorder at a High School Winter Camp

A full-immersion winter camp in Canada's far north provides an life-changing experience with the elements and has a positive resonance with the wider community.

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