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Swimming with Animals

Using simple swimming lessons to foster connections to other life forms and appreciation of what they have to teach us.

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Singapore Sensory Trail

In this inter-cultural and inter-generational community project, expatriate students designed an interpretive trail to provide access to nature for visually impaired citizens of Singapore.

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Moving Toward Sustainability? The Face of Environmental Education in Singapore

The challenges of educating for sustainability in one of the world’s most highly urbanized settings.

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Water: Local Pollution, Global Confusion!

Activities for raising awareness of water quality problems and solutions, locally and globally, with middle school students.

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Climate Change and Regional Geography

Climate change can bring an immediate and pressing relevance to the study of geography, coaxing new ideas out of worn textbooks.

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Planet Transit: Profit or Survival?

A game of economic development choices and consequences for Grades 9 and up (ages 14+).

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Stormwater Runoff: Understanding the Ecological Impacts of Changing Land Uses

In this unit for ages 10 to 14, students learn how land use changes can reduce the water quality of nearby lakes and streams, calculate runoff from their school grounds and investigate best management practices.

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Green Tsunami Rising: Environmental Education’s Third Wave

How can environmental educators prepare to exploit the current surge of interest in all things “green” to promote environmental literacy? Mike Weilbacher offers tips for riding the next green wave.

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Teaching Carbon Regulation in the High School Classroom

A simulation that compares carbon taxes vs. cap-and-trade and other carbon regulatory systems.

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Making Natural Connections

Two lessons help students at all grade levels to draw interdisciplinary connections between social studies and ecology, and to integrate civics, science and mathematics.

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