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Pedal-Power Outreach

How to organize bicycle expeditions from residential centers to the schools they serve, to promote environmental awareness.

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EE Collaboration in the US-Mexico Border Region the environment of the US-Mexico border region

A spotlight on international collaboration to promote environmental education as a tool to improve the environment of the US-Mexico border region.

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Field Backpacks: Keeping Track of the Tools of the Trade

Step-by-step instructions on how to construct and use homemade field backpacks for children 5 - 12.

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Greening the Elementary Education Curriculum One Course at a Time

Tips for incorporating environmental education into elementary teachers college courses.

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Environmental Writing Projects: Empowering Students, Documenting the Natural World

Writing based on hands-on research teaches environmental science and develops literacy skills for grades 6-12 students.

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Humane Education: A Foundation for Connecting with All of Earth’s Inhabitants

Activities to integrate humane values - especially the merits of kindness and empathy towards all creatures - into curricula for all grade levels.

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Creating Earth Adventures: Self-Guided Programs to Connect Children with Nature

Creating self-guided outdoor learning experiences that help 5-12 year old children appreciate a specific natural area and understand its connections with a larger context.

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Acting Out Energy Forms

A very active activity for grades K-8 which teaches about different forms of kinetic, potential, and renewable energy. Helps provide a context for teaching scientific principles related to energy transformations, chemical transformations, electricity and light, which are central to many clean energy technologies.

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The Hawk in the Nest

A circle game similar to “The Farmer in the Dell”, which teaches children up to age eight about food chains within a given habitat. Builds students’ understanding of how energy is transferred through various creatures within a community.

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From Seals to Snails: Understanding Eelgrass

Provides background information and activities for grades 5-8 on the protective role of the marine plant eelgrass, the complexities involved in cleaning up polluted watersheds, the effects of environmental stressors on eelgrass function, and the impact of declining eelgrass populations on fish.

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