Where Does Our Food Come From?
A lesson to help grade 3-8 students appreciate the impact our food system has on climate change
A lesson to help grade 3-8 students appreciate the impact our food system has on climate change
It is easier than you think to build rewarding partnerships for outdoor education
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The benefits of subscribing to Green Teacher have dramatically increased over the past year. While subscribers continue to receive four new issues of the magazine each year, they now have full access to our growing archive of 75+ webinars and more than 400 articles and activities from our most recent issues. Best of all, we’ve catalogued those articles and activities by 28 popular topics and age levels, making it easy to find everything you need. While each new issue of Green Teacher is packed with inspirational ideas, easy to run activities and reviews of the best educational resources available, subscribers now have access to a vast treasure trove of professional development – and at the same low prices.
This spring we also improved the way a subscriber can access all of this content. Now when you start reading a teaser and want to continue on all you have to do is provide your password and the whole article opens up right where you are. No more seeking out the whole issue, flipping and scanning to find where you left off.
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Programs that encourage young people to become empathetic are an important complement to those that help make ecological connections.
For 20 years, this alternative Grade 10 program has offered students wilderness adventures combined with education for sustainability.
Tips for incorporating environmental education into elementary teachers college courses.
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