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Food Systems and Sustainability


Original date: November 13, 2012

Click here to access this webinar

Presenter: Pamela Koch

Description: We all make food choices every day. Getting students excited about making choices that support a sustainable food system combined with teaching them practical stills for earth-friendly eating is a great way to expand your green curriculum. Using the “Growing Food” and “Farm to Table & Beyond” modules of the Linking Food and the Environment (LiFE) curriculum series as a foundation, this session will investigate how to break down our food system in ways where students will analyze, think deeply and be critical; explore how to compare and contrast the environmental impact of various food system choices; and demonstrate how to lead students through the process of planning, implementing and tracking dietary change that leads to more sustainable food choices.

Suitability: Upper elementary through high school youth educators, and school administrators.

Pamela Koch is the Executive Director of the Center for Food and Environment at Teachers College Columbia University and the lead author of the Linking Food & the Environment curriculum series. Passionate about educating children and adults to make food choices that support their own health and the health of our fragile planet, she is a regular speaker at National Science Teachers’ Association conferences and very active in the food education movement in New York City.

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