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Promising Practices for School Food Gardens

SundayHarrisonOriginal date: April 28, 2015

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Presenter: Sunday Harrison

Description: School food gardens have become popular once again, while also becoming more diverse. From a single raised bed in an underused green space, to large-scale mini-farms that are part of Community Shared Agriculture programs, they are as unique as the school communities they inhabit. In this session, Sunday will share some common successes and challenges.  While some school boards are very supportive, others wish school gardens would just go away. As a result, it is important for everyone to have a better understanding of what makes a successful school garden project. This webinar will also address crop selection for schools, ties to student nutrition and enviro-education programs, summer strategies, links to academic subjects, the role of community partners, and enabling policies at school boards.

Sunday Harrison is the founder and program director at Green Thumbs Growing Kids, a non-profit organization in Toronto, Ontario. Her non-profit is celebrating its 15th year of operating school gardens and community greenhouses.  She has a Masters of Food and Sustainability Education Practice, a certificate in Landscape Architecture, and consults widely on program design for children’s gardens.

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