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What Others Are Saying about The New Book

As educators, we need to prepare students to come to terms with climate change, personally and as engaged citizens. Students need the tools and competencies to understand the social, economic, and environmental complexities of climate change. They need the opportunities to define their own values and incubate ideas and solutions. The activities in this resource link learning to action in the real world, empowering learners to be agents of change in their schools, homes and communities. This is a must-have for teachers!

Pamela Schwartzberg, President and CEO, Learning for a Sustainable Future, Toronto Ontario


Teaching Young People about Climate Change is just the tool educators need to provide engaging, mean-ingful, age-appropriate real-world instruction on Earth’s changing climate. The strategies throughout this book are timely, interactive, and adaptable to any learning environment. This book is a must-have for any teacher seeking to refresh their instruction on this critically important issue.

Lauren Madden, Associate Professor, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey


Teaching elementary students about climate change can be a delicate balancing act. How can we ensure they have the requisite scientific background and critical thinking skills to understand the complexities of climate change? How might we foster a sense of environmental stewardship rather than a feeling of helplessness when confronting such a daunting issue? Teaching Young People about Climate Change can guide you through this process with activities, developed and field tested by educators, that are grade-ap-propriate and encourage students to investigate the systems and cycles of nature that help establish a firm foundation for climate literacy.

Karen Schedler, Natural Teacher, Phoenix Arizona