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Traditional / Native Knowledge

Integrating indigenous perspectives into elementary teaching by Liliane Dionne, Diane Campeau and Makwa Atisokan (Ages 5-12, Ages 10-14, GT138)

Centering Indigenous Knowledge by Launa Purcell (Ages 5-12, Ages 10-14, GT138)

Conservation through Native American Petroglyphs by Jesze Doleh (Ages 14-19, GT132)

Earth Partnership: Indigenous Arts and Sciences by Cheryl Bauer-Armstrong and Michelle Cloud  (GT119)

Maskwi’omin: A Birch Bark Antibiotic by Matthias Bierenstiel, Tuma T.W. Young and Kathy Snow (GT116)

Indigenous Environmental Inquiry by Paul Elliott, Nicole Bell and Brittany Harding (GT116)

The Pathway to Stewardship by Jacob Rodenburg (Ages 11-19; GT113)

Living Deep & Sucking Out the Marrow by Keith Badger (Ages 14-19; GT107)

Developing Character through Ancient Wisdom by Cheri Isgreen (All Ages; GT102)

Wild Harvesting and Traditional Ecological Knowledge by Kieran Dowling (Ages 10-14; GT101)

Two-Eyed Seeing as a Way of Knowing by Clifford E. Knapp (All Ages; GT99)

Developing a Sense of Place Through Native Science Activities by Clifford E. Knapp (All Ages; GT88)

MSIT: Transdisciplinary Cross-cultural Science by Annamarie Hatcher and Cheryl Bartlett (Ages 14-19; GT86)

Traditional Medicines: How Much is Enough? by Annamarie Hatcher and Cheryl Bartlett (Ages 12-14; GT86)

Traditional Legends: Meanings on Many Levels by Annamarie Hatcher, Sana Kavanagh, Cheryl Bartlett and Murdena Marshall (Ages 14-19; GT86)

Earth Alive! by Judy Wearing (Ages 12-14; GT86)

From Scared to Sacred: Changing our Relationship to Nature through Story by Michael Gowing (All ages; GT86)

Bridging the Gap: Indigenous Knowledge and Science by Deanna Kazina and Natalie Swayze (Ages 6-12; GT86)

Money From the Sea: A Cross-cultural Indigenous Science Activity by Gloria Snively (All Ages; GT86)

Two-Eyed Seeing in a School District by Drew Myers (Ages 13-19; GT86)

Mother Earth, Grandfather Sun by Cheryl Bartlett (Ages 11-14; GT86)

Two-Eyed Seeing: A Cross-cultural Science Journey by Annamarie Hatcher, Cheryl Bartlett, Murdena Marshall and Albert Marshall (All Ages: GT86)

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