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A Look Inside the Bottle

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Originally appears in the Fall 2021 issue.

By Wendy Fachon

Few people think about how the use of sunscreen may affect lake, river, and ocean environments when it washes off the body. Researchers have recently found that chemicals in common sunscreens pose a threat to marine life. This current case topic provides teachers with a meaningful opportunity to combine lessons in data collection, secondary research, and public advocacy. Students can use what they learn to help develop public education and policy at various levels, beginning in school and advancing to district, local, state, and federal audiences. Sunscreen is a product with which students can relate, and this exploration will lead to an awareness that extends to other personal care products. Suitable for Grades 5 and up, the following content provides teachers with a meaningful opportunity to combine lessons in data collection, secondary research, and public advocacy.

Data collection: pre-assessment

A pre-assessment survey fills the double purpose of establishing a baseline of knowledge and generating valuable data.

How often do you apply sunscreen in the summertime?

a. Never

b. 1–2 times per week

c. 3–6 times per week

d. Every day

e. 2–3 times per day

For what activities do you use sunscreen?

a. Beach

b. Pool

c. Camp activities

d. Outdoor sports

e. Other _________________________________

What brand of sunscreen do you use?

a. Neutrogena

b. Coppertone

c. Banana Boat

d. Sun Bum

e. Hawaiian Tropic

f. Other ___________________________

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