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The TREK Program

For 20 years, this alternative Grade 10 program has offered students wilderness adventures combined with education for sustainability.

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The Start of Something Big: Environmental Education in China

China faces enormous environmental challenges, but until recently most environmental education initiatives were organized by governments and intended more for publicity than educational purposes. In the last few years, non-profit organizations have seized the opportunity to develop many successful educational programs that offer a glimmer of hope for China and the world.

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Getting Down and Dirty: Studying Soil Samples from Around the Country

An activity for upper elementary students in which soil samples from around the country are exchanged and evaluated. Students gain knowledge of the correlation between soil composition and different kinds of terrain, and why different soils have greatly varied qualities.

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Map Interpretation and the Language of Maps

A basic introduction to maps in environmental education, and the techniques of how to map a natural area.

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Bringing Children Back to Nature

Five activities for children aged 4 - 13 developed by outdoor educator Joseph Cornell. The activities follow the principles of Cornell’s “Flow Learning” to gently guide participants into deeper and more profound experiences of nature through the following principles: “awaken enthusiasm”; “focus attention”; “direct experience”; and “share inspiration”.

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Developing a Sense of Place Through Native Science Activities

Twenty five basic activities inspired by the writings of people who have lived close to the land. These activities aim to develop a deeper sense of place by going beyond Western science to observe and interact with nature qualitatively as well as quantitatively.

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Introducing Biomimicry

Activities for elementary, middle, and high school students which examine products that use less energy and have fewer toxic components because they are inspired by designs in nature. Integrating the hopeful science of biomimicry into the curriculum provides opportunities for creative problem-solving exercises that challenge them to think, to ask questions and to create in a collaborative setting.

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First Person Singular: Documenting Climate Change

Yup’ik high school students in Alaska, disturbed by the signs and symptoms of climate change in their far northern village, came up with a creative ways to communicate these concerns to a group of student teachers in Washington state. Similar projects elsewhere could serve to strengthen the writing skills of middle and high school students, while giving pre-service teachers exposure to real student writing, and voicing local environmental issues to a wider audience.

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A Window into the Wild

A project for upper elementary or middle school students, making use of remote cameras to monitor the presence of wildlife in the schoolyard as a stepping stone towards learning about habitat fragmentation and wildlife management.

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Connecting to Nature through Art

Creating illustrated journals of natural life in or near schoolyards helps to develop elementary students’ understanding of nature, art, and higher-level thinking processes such as valuation and analysis.

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