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Posts from the ‘All ages’ Category

Storytelling with Wild Native Bees

Activity #4: An activity for elementary school students

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Bumble Bee Pollination Observations

Activity #3: An activity for secondary school students

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A Menu Brought to You by Wild Native Bees

Activity #1: An activity for middle school students

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Why Wild Native Bees Matter

An overview of bees’ importance to biodiversity and food crops.

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Pollinator Party!

An excerpt from the ebook Taking Sunday School Outside

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Leaf Your Devices at Home – FREE ARTICLE

A lesson plan to combat plant blindness

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Less Screen, More Green

What educators need to know about safer screentime and tech-free greentime

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Conservation through Native American Petroglyphs

Lessons on protecting nature from the first conservationists

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Healthy Places, Sustainable Spaces

Everyday actions for healthy and sustainable learning environments

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Math + Nature = Fun! with Cyberchase and Project Learning Tree – June 29th

For a list of resources mentioned during the webinar session and the recording, please click here.

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