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Environmental Education and Inclusion by Laura Sims and Marie-Élaine Desmarais (10-14, 14-19, GT137)

Dig for Your Rights! by Michelle Superle (5-12, GT138)

From the Individual to the System by Isaac Bell and Holly Giacomodonato (GT127)

Project Hero by Courtney Kimmel (GT121)

Unpacking Habitats by Stacy Craft (GT120)

Environmental Service Project by Michelle Muir (GT120)

Ecojustice Education through Pictures by Erin Sperling (All ages; GT111)

Integrated, Social Justice Learning for Those At-Risk by Natalie Zayas Delgado (Ages 10-19; GT109)

Climate Justice in the Classroom by Ryan Cho (Ages 14-19; GT107)

Environmental Education in Impoverished Communities by Donald Hammond (Ages 14-19; GT96)

Food Justice Empowers Teenagers by Gwendolyn Eden (Ages 14-19; GT96)

Unleashing Blessed Unrest As the Heating Happens by David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa  (Ages 14-19; GT94)

Environmental Justice in the Azores by Alison Neilson (All ages; GT92)

Social Justice and Language Arts by Christopher Greenslate (Ages 14-19;GT80)