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A Look Inside the Bottle

How sunscreen ingredients may adversely affect marine ecosystems

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Of Cormorants, Deer and Geese… Oh My!

Engaging learners in human-wildlife controversies

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Green Teacher 128 — Summer 2021

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Getting Serious about Climate Change in Schools

A call to action

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Inside the World of “Cli-fi”

A brief history, an excerpt, and a lesson plan for 4th- to 7th-graders

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Harnessing the Whole World with Hydroponics

A case for a system in every classroom

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Why We Do What We Do

Reigniting natural curiosity with a specimen, a story, and some collaborating

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Working Together While Apart

Bringing extracurricular environmental and STEM activities to online education

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The HAWK’S Guide

An infographic and a lesson plan

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Celebrating Climate Action in Schools and Child Care Programs Across Canada

A look back at survey results

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