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Composting Experiment by Ian Shanahan (5-12, 10-14, GT137

Why Wild Native Bees Matter by Beatrice Olivastri (GT132)

Learning About Wild Native Bees Using the Taxonomic Structure by Caitlin McCloskey and Beatrice Olivastri (GT132)

Profile of a Specialist Wild Bee: Hoary squash bee (Eucera pruinosa) by Susan Chan (GT132)

Pollinator Party! by Jared Goodykoontz (Ages 5-12, GT132)

A Menu Brought to you by Wild Native Bees by Ian Shanahan (Ages 10-14, GT132)

To Muck About & Create A Community of Scientists in Your Classroom by Daniel J. Bisaccio (GT127)

Welcome to the School of Flock by Joanne Goddard (GT127)

Christianity and Ecological Preservation in the Southeastern United States by Steven Pruitt (GT127)

Helping EcoSantaby Ann Palmer (GT122)

Escape the Mundane by Matt Downs (GT121)

Understanding Ecology by Fletcher Brown (GT120)

Unpacking Habitats by Stacy Craft (GT120)

Thinking Outside the Bin by Mariah Belber and Lauren Madden (GT117)

Caught Up in the Carbon Cycle by Pam Miller (GT116)

Using Philosophy to Think Green by Amy Leask (Ages 10-19; GT115)

Hydroponics for Education by Matthew Baganz (Ages 6-19; GT115)

Snakes Alive! by Ann Berry Somers and Catherine E. Matthews (All ages; GT112)

Citizenship-building via Marine Debris Surveys by Aimee Cleary (Ages 14-19; GT112)

Invasive Species: You’re Not Welcome Here! by Amy Paul (Ages 6-10; GT112)

Taking Action Against Invasive Species by Jennifer Brooks (Ages 10-14; GT112)

Becoming an Ecologiser by Ann Palmer (All ages; GT112)

Ecojustice Education through Pictures by Erin Sperling (All ages; GT111)

Wild in the City by Emily Stoeth (All ages; GT111)

Role-Playing, Inquiry and Food Chains by Autumn Doss (Ages 6-10; GT111)

Riding the Waves of EBE by Anneliese Mueller Worster, Trish-Marie Ziakas and Jennifer Whitten (Ages 6-10; GT111)

Falling Anthropods and Citizen Science by Daniel Shaw (Ages 6-10; GT110)

Uncaging Imagination with Guerilla Geography by Thomas Larsen and Lisa Tabor (All ages; GT109)

Imaginative Ecological Education by Gillian Judson (All ages; GT108)

From Stems to STEM by Lauren Madden and Courtney McGovern (Ages 6-10; GT108)

Living Deep & Sucking Out the Marrow by Keith Badger (Ages 14-19; GT107)

Climate Justice in the Classroom by Ryan Cho (Ages 10-19; GT107)

Love Our Coral Reefs by Melody L. Russell, Stanton Belford, Laura Crowe and David Laurencio (Ages 6-14; GT107)

Kids Care about Caves! by Abby Harris (Ages 14-19; GT106)

Surveying Garlic Mustard by Amy DeFelice (Ages 14-19; GT105)

Twenty Minutes with a Mushroom by Jessica Pierson (All Ages; GT104)

Wild Harvesting and Traditional Ecological Knowledge by Kieran Dowling (Ages 6-10; GT101)

Stormwater Stewards by Steve Braun and Kirk Ordway (Ages 12-19; GT101)

Connecting with Bugs by John Guyton and Lois Connington (Ages 6-12; GT100)

Beyond Eco-Footprints: Using the STEM Process by Cornelia Harris, Alan R. Berkowitz, Megan McLean, and Kim Notin (All Ages; GT100)

Wildlife Olympics by Los Nixon (Ages 6-10; GT100)

Investigating River Quarrying by Vincent C. Handa, Aris C. Larroder, Lourdes N. Morano, Deborah J. Tippins, and Susan G. Harper (Ages 10-15; GT100)

Visualizing More Sustainable Futures by David Hicks (All Ages;GT99)

Butterflies and Biomimicry by Karen McDonald (Ages 10-14; GT99)

The Nature-Study Movement by Kelly Johnson (Ages 6-12; GT99)

Hemlock Holmes: Tree Detective by Emily Hogan (Ages 6-10; GT99)

Ecological Literacy Through Permaculture by Nelson Lebo (All Ages; GT98)

Investigating Water Pathways in Schoolyards by Bess Caplan, Kristin L. Gunckel, Andrew Warnock and Aubrey Cano (Ages 14-19; GT98)

Swimming with Sharks by Karen McDonald (Ages 10-14; GT98)

Concrete Without Quarries by Sam Stier, Dona Boggs and Dave Jones (Ages 14-19; GT98)

From Restoration to Resilience by Daniel Goleman, Lisa Bennett and Zenobia Barlow (All Ages; GT98)

Defending Place-based Education by Stephen Skoutajan (All Ages; GT97)

To Monitor or Not to Monitor by Dori L. Hess (Ages 14-19; GT97)

The Mystery of the Missing Mayflies by Laney Heath (Ages 10-14; GT97)

Herpetology for High School Students by Catherine E. Matthews and Terry Tomasek (Ages 14-19; GT96)

Mapping to Increase Student Awareness of Local Wildlife by Hannah Wyatt (Ages 10-14; GT96)

Endangered Animals and Science Literacy by Lindsay Hagan (Ages 10-14; GT96)

Connecting Art and Science by Amanda Berlinksi (Ages 12-19; GT96)

The Power of Cladistics by Matthew R. Opdyke (Ages 14-19; GT95)

The Environmental Impact of Pets by Tim Hammerly and Brianna DuMont (Ages 10-14; GT95)

Biological Monitoring Programs for K-12 Students by Lynna Marie Kaucheck and Thomas Marcinkowski (All Ages; GT90)

A Window into the Wild by Dawn R. Tanner (Ages 10-14; GT89)

Bringing Children Back to Nature by Janet Barlow (Ages 6-10; GT88)

Getting Down and Dirty: Studying Soil Samples from Around the Country by Nanette L. Avery (Ages 10-14; GT88)

Introducing Biomimicry by Dorna L. Schroeter (Ages 6-10; GT88)

Analyzing Wildlife Habitat with Google Earth by Dawn Tanner (Ages 10-14; GT87)

Key Terms in Environmental Fields: Establishing a Foundation by Fletcher Brown (Ages 14-19; GT87)

The Hawk in the Nest by Edith Pucci Couchman (Ages 6-10; GT87)

For Slugs’ Sake: Making a Refuge for Slugs, Bugs and Other Invertebrates by Angela Wilbers Luekenotto and Janice Schnake Greene (Ages 10-14; GT87)

From Seals to Snails: Understanding Eelgrass by Nora Beem, Micheal Dufilho and Frederick Short (Ages 10-15; GT87)

Earth Alive!, by Judy Wearing (Ages 10-14; GT86)

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Science by Deanna Kazina and Natalie Swayze (Ages 12-19; GT86)

MSIT: Transdisciplinary, Cross-cultural Science by Annamarie Hatcher and Cheryl Bartlett(Ages 14-19; GT86)

Imagine: Ecology and Teacher Education by Veronica Gaylie (All Ages; GT84)

Swimming with Animals by Zabe MacEachren with Tamara Anderson (All Ages; GT81)

Growing an Endangered Plants Network by Jennifer Ceska, Anne Shenk and Carolyn Mahar (All Ages;GT81)

Discovering lake management by Matthew R. Opdyke (Ages 14-19; GT80)

Making It Up As We Go Along: Pretend Games by Tricia Edgar (Ages 6-12; GT80)

Kids Teaching Kids: The Tantramar Wetlands Centre Projects by Chris Porter (Ages 14-19; GT79)

A Date with Freddie Kudzu (Ages 10-19; GT79)

Sunnyside and the Wolf by Steven Siegel (Ages 10-14; GT79)

Exotic Invasive Species: The Guests That Won’t Go Home by Kim Clearly Sadler (All ages;GT79)

Something’s Choking Auntie Elm (Ages 6-12;GT79)

Tank Tips : A Freshwater Aquarium in the Classroom by Rebecca Holcombe (Ages HS; GT78)

A Permaculture School Garden by Patrick Praetorius (All Ages; GT78)

Habitat House Hunt by Kristin Mack-Hammer and Janice Denney (Ages 10-14; GT78)

Learning with Lichen: Using Epiphytic Lichens as Bio-indicators of Air Pollution by Andrew Kett, Sonia Dong, Heather Andruchuk and Brian Craig (Ages 14-19; GT77)

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