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Why Care about Food Waste? by Jan DeWaters and Miranda Wolf (10-14, GT137)

Dig for Your Rights! by Michelle Superle (5-12, GT138)

Why Wild Native Bees Matter by Beatrice Olivastri (GT132)

The Lives of Wild Native Bees by Bea Olivastri and Caitlin McCloskey (GT132)

Profile of a Specialist Wild Bee: Hoary squash bee (Eucera pruinosa) by Susan Chan (GT132)

A Menu Brought to you by Wild Native Bees by Ian Shanahan (Ages 10-14, GT132)

Students, Safe Water Gardens, and the UN SDGs by Marc van Loo (GT127)

The Garden as an Integrating Context for Learning by Tara Laidlaw (GT119)

Do-it-yourself Aquaponics by Katherine Jenkins (GT117)

Sun-Powered Lunch Hours by Jamila Kyari  (GT117)

A Better World through Fair Trade by Zack Gross (All ages; GT115)

Where Does our Food Come From? by Susan Rauchwerk (Ages 14-19; GT114)

Feeding Plants to Feed the World by Kent Lewarne (Ages 14-19; GT113)

Role-Playing, Inquiry and Food Chains by Autumn Doss (Ages 6-10; GT111)

An Intergenerational Care Game by Edith Pucci Couchman (Ages 6-14; GT111)

The Giving of the Gardens by Alison Elliot (Ages 10-14; GT110)

A Reel-y Authentic Food Truck by Daisy Sharrock and Liz Perry (Ages 14-19; GT110)

Speaking for Native Beesby Gail Trenholm (All ages; GT108)

Slow Cookers for Kids by Dan Hendry (Ages 10-14; GT107)

Take the Green Challenge by Naomi Dietzel Hershiser (Ages 6-14; GT107)

Harvesting Life Lessons by Carrie Koplinka-Loehr (Ages 14-19; GT106)

Returning to the Earth by Matthew Kemshaw (All Ages; GT105)

Organizing Youth Farmer’s Markets by Jamie Siebrase (Ages 6-14; GT104)

Twenty Minutes with a Mushroom by Jessica Pierson (All Ages; GT104)

Coconutty Classes by Noan Fesnoux (Ages 10-14; GT99)

Signature Salads by Brooke Ziebell (All Ages; GT97)

Salad Farmers by Sara Inbar (Ages 6-10; GT97)

Food Justice Empowers Teenagers by Gwendolyn Eden (Ages 14-19; GT96)

Rethinking Lunchtime: Making Lunch an Integral Part of Education by Michael K. Stone (All Ages; GT84)

School Food Gardens in Multicultural Inner-city Settings by Sunday Harrison (All Ages; GT84)

Getting Fresh with Farm-to-School Programs by Marion Kalb (All Ages; GT80)

The Dinner Game by Jan Cincera (Ages 14-19; GT77)

Food For Thought: Practicing Conservation at the Table by Heather Montgmery (All Ages;GT77)

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