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Environmental Games by Michelle MacMillan (5-12, 10-14, GT137)

Evolution in the Anthropocene by Collin Davis (14-19, GT137)

Enhancing Biodiversity in your Schoolyard by Janneke Petersen (10-14, GT137)

Cheetahs and Gazelles by Michael Haughwout (Ages 14-19, GT138)

Is Leaf Litter Just “Yard Waste”? by Timothy Stewart, Janette Thompson, Kristina Tank, Makayla Buck, Anna Drahos, and Benjamin White (5-12, GT137)

Why Wild Native Bees Matter by Beatrice Olivastri (GT132)

Learning About Wild Native Bees Using the Taxonomic Structure by Caitlin McCloskey and Beatrice Olivastri (GT132)

How Are Wild Native Bees Protected? by Beatrice Olivastri and Caitlin McCloskey (GT132)

Resources for Identifying and Learning about Wild Native Bees by Caitlin McCloskey and Beatrice Olivastri (GT132)

Pollinator Party! by Jared Goodykoontz (Ages 5-12, GT132)

Leaf Your Devices at Home by Britta Moore (Ages 14-19, GT132)

Christianity and Ecological Preservation in the Southeastern United States by Steven Pruitt (Ages: All; GT127)

Using Philosophy to Think Green by Amy Leask (Ages 10-19; GT115)

Why Learn about Insects? by Nathan Shipley and Robert D. Bixler (All ages; GT112)

Snakes Alive! by Ann Berry Somers and Catherine E. Matthews (All ages; GT112)

Conservation Animation by Sarah Compton (Ages 14-19; GT112)

Invasive Species: You’re Not Welcome Here! by Amy Paul (Ages 6-10; GT112)

Taking Action against Invasive Species by Jennifer Brooks (Ages 10-14; GT112)

Sensory Tour by Kids by Carie Green (Ages 6-10; GT111)

Exploring Learning Stories by Lotje Hives and Astrid Steele (All ages; GT111)

Rolling Stones and Catching Beetles by Michel Anderson (Ages 6-10; GT111)

A Humane-Inspired Approach by Brian Ogle (Ages 10-19; GT111)

Wild in the City by Emily Stoeth (All ages; GT111)

An Intergenerational Care Game by Edith Pucci Couchman (Ages 6-14; GT111)

Citizen Science: Collecting Real-Life Data by Cathy Scott (All ages; GT109)

Speaking for Native Bees by Gail Trenholm (All ages; GT108)

Inspiring the Bioregional Imagination by Patrick Howard (Ages 10-19; GT107)

Bee Curious by Robyn Stone (Ages 6-10; GT106)

Every Species Has a Purpose by Wendy Brown with David Robinson (Ages 10-19; GT104)

Outside the Classroom, Adventure Awaits by Cindi Smith-Walters and Christa Campbell (Ages 8-14; GT103)

Beyond Eco-Footprints: Using the STEM Process by Cornelia Harris, Alan R. Berkowitz, Megan McLean and Kim Notin (All Ages; GT100)

Coconutty Classes by Noan Fesnoux (Ages 10-14; GT99)

When Nature Speaks by Emma Gilbertson (Ages 6-10; GT99)

The Mystery of the Missing Mayflies by Laney Heath (Ages 11-14; GT97)

Herpetology for High School Students by Catherine E. Matthews and Terry Tomasek (Ages 15-19; GT96)

Connecting Art and Science by Amanda Berlinski (Ages 11-19; GT96)

The Power of Cladistics by Matthew R. Opdyke (Ages 15-19; GT95)

Analyzing Wildlife Habitat with Google Earth by Dawn Tanner (Ages 10-14; GT87)

From Seals to Snails: Understanding Eelgrass by Nora Beem, Micheal Dufilho and Frederick Short (Ages 10-15; GT87)

Roots of Diversity: Growing Culturally Significant Plants by Allan Foster (All Ages; GT81)

Kids Teaching Kids: The Tantramar Wetlands Centre Projects by Chris Porter (Ages 14-19; GT79)

A Date with Freddie Kudzu (Ages 11-19; GT79)

Exotic Invasive Species: The Guests That Won’t Go Home by Kim Clearly Sadler (All Ages;GT79)

Glorious Weeds! by Jack Greene (All Ages; GT78)

Learning with Lichen: Using Epiphytic Lichens as Bio-indicators of Air Pollution by Andrew Kett, Sonai Dong, Heather Andrachuk and Brian Craig (Ages 14-19; GT77)

First Flight with Raptors by Gail Hall (Ages 6-10; GT76)

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